Saturday, November 21, 2009

I would say my biggest problem....

is follow-through...hence the long gaps of time between posts. Oh well, we all have our flaws right? I am still working out with my trainer and have added cardio interval training at home on the bike or elliptical. I started the cardio two weeks ago, so I am exercising 6-8 times a week right now and it's paying off! I am down 18 inches so far. My trainer does inches vs. pounds for a while due to the gaining of muscle which I was very much lacking. The hubs has jumped on the wagon and has started exercising with me which makes it much easier.

I am still cooking more....sigh. I am not Martha or Betty or any of those other famous cooking gals, but I doing my best. I have found some fab recipes on cooking blogs. Blogs fascinate me, there is a blog for any and everything. I am also down to 1-2 soft drinks a day and I joke that it is tragic because soft drinks are my favorite thing! I would sacrifice any food for a soft drink and I hate tea and water so I drink diet lemonade. There is a local franchise that makes theirs fresh and sell it by the gallon. It has been a lifesaver or a calorie saver!
I will TRY to be better about posting....try being the key word! ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Since I last posted..

It's been a while since I last posted. We celebrated our 13th aniversary (woohoo) and I turned 34 (not so woohoo)! I am still exercising and we are getting ready to buy a bike for the house that I can use on off days. My hubs has started going with me to exercise when his schedule allows and I love it when he goes. It gives us some extra quality time together which is great. He does show me up some though, but that's okay....I think! I have also been working on cutting down on soft drinks and my portion sizes. That part hasn't been going so well the last week or so due to some meds I have been taking, but today is my last day on the meds so tomorrow I am getting back on track so help me!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

I have totally..

fallen behind on the blog! School, dancing, housecleaning, mothering, wifely duties, husband traveling, and exercising gets in the way...sigh. I'm not complaining, just being honest. I am still working out and it's going great. Still trying to work on the food part and most importantly trying to eat every 3 hours. That is totally hard, especially on the weekend when our schedule is much looser. I am working on it though and I will try to post it more!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Today is the first day......

Of my new workout regimen with my trainer! it was great! I never feel good after exercising, but today I did. I rode the bike 5 miles and did various leg exercises to work on the leg affected by the bulging disk in my lower back. My legs are SO SORE already, I can't imagine what they will feel like in the morning. I am hoping to take the attitude of one of my friends that is on a weight loss journey and say "it hurts so good" like she does. Gotta keep a positive attitude!! :)

Another thing I struggle with is that I hate water....hate it...and I am going to have to drink it often. When I drink it now I use lemonade packets which I do like, but my trainer said no to the packets. They have too much sugar and wants me to make my own lemonade from scratch which I can do!

School is in full swing now and mems is doing great. I love her teacher this year, she truly loves her job and you can tell. It is so nice to not have to worry about that, life can be rough when your children aren't happy a school. Well, more to come soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Changes they are a' comin!

On Monday I begin going to a trainer that specializes in weight loss. I am excited about this guy because he was once very overweight himself. I think this gives him some insight into what it's like to climb the mountain I have ahead of me. I need to lose 100 pounds....rough to see it in black and white! I am going to document my progress on this blog....let it hold me accountable as I begin my journey. I must say I am a little scared. What will be left? What damage have I done to my body and to my skin? I have terrible visions of nasty hanging skin. Well, let's not think about that now. I guess it can all be fixed right?

One good thing about getting started is maybe my leg will return to normal. About 5 months ago I had a bulging disk in my lower back that pushed on my sciatic nerve, caused numbness in my leg and foot. The feeling completely returned mid-June. I was on bed rest for 3 weeks, but thankfully it corrected itself with medication. However, that leg is really weak and I still limp. Hopefully after a few weeks of training I will be back on my two feet!

On the home front...

School started back yesterday and my baby started 5th grade...her LAST year of elementary school!! eek! It's been kind of hard to accept that she is growing up. She is quite the little lady and already 5 feet tall! So, it's been an emotional week so far and I'm going to have to get a grip. Crying has never been my thing and I have done way too much this week.

I hope this isn't too will get better!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I am not Betty Crocker....

So, seeing as I have only actually cooked one meal in the last two, three, could it possibly be 4 weeks?? Surely not, but to be honest I can't remember. This week I am going to cook at least 4 meals.
Monday-Meatball Casserole, Salad, Bread
Tuesday- Chicken and Vegetables Casserole
Wednesday-Hamburgers, Baked Fries, Green Beans
Thursday-Chicken Piccata with Pasta and Broccoli

Impressive sounding menu right?? We'll see how it I said I am not Betty Crocker. My most embarrassing moment as of late involving the kitchen...the hubs made muffins from a mix. They turned out really small and odd looking, but tasted and smelled fine. He went and got the bag, handed it to me and said read this. The bag was from 2005!!!! Holy cow! That means I moved 4 year old muffins from our old house to this one. I got rid of bags and bags of things yet the muffins somehow made the cut. Thankfully all who ate them (Mems had a sleepover guest) survived without incident. So, fyi if you eat old muffin mix you won't die. That is not an experiment I want to try again, I cleaned out the cabinets last night. Nothing else even close to 2005 go figure.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have stage fright...

So, I'll start with something simple. Today I took mems to the dermatologist to have a mole removed from the tip of her nose. It's been bothering her for some know being pre-teen and all. I can understand that, now dad doesn't quite get it. He tries...he really does. So, the doctor comes in and he's all this is going to hurt and are you sure you want to have it removed. Then he proceeds to eye my husband and myself as he asks 'are you sure you want to have it removed or is this something mom and dad want done?'??? Um....yeah, I'm a stage mom like that..NOT! So, he continues about how the numbing is going to hurt and she says (making me so proud) 'I don't care if it hurts when you numb it, I just don't want to feel you cut it off'! Ha! Take that can't intimidate my munchkin! I have no idea where she got that from...not me. I would have been all mumbling and red faced! I am so glad that I haven't passed that in to her! There first official post. Woohoo!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The beginning of a blog.....

I have wanted to start a blog for a while now. Even though I am what you would consider the world's best writer! I thought it would be nice to have somewhere to put my thoughts down...maybe a little therapeutic even. I am having performance anxiety! I figure the very first post should be a little about me. I can write all the specifics....a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and hopefully a good friend to a few (social anxiety keeps my social circle small and that's okay with me). I'm also obsessive, a tad controlling, overweight (ugh), a little insecure, overall a good person, very good at spelling, not so good at paragraphs and or identifying run-on sentences(try not to judge), and a little funny. I am hoping this blog will help me figure out what I am above all of those things me to remember who the person behind the wife, mother, etc. really is. So, here we go...hope I can stick to it! ;)