Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have stage fright...

So, I'll start with something simple. Today I took mems to the dermatologist to have a mole removed from the tip of her nose. It's been bothering her for some know being pre-teen and all. I can understand that, now dad doesn't quite get it. He tries...he really does. So, the doctor comes in and he's all this is going to hurt and are you sure you want to have it removed. Then he proceeds to eye my husband and myself as he asks 'are you sure you want to have it removed or is this something mom and dad want done?'??? Um....yeah, I'm a stage mom like that..NOT! So, he continues about how the numbing is going to hurt and she says (making me so proud) 'I don't care if it hurts when you numb it, I just don't want to feel you cut it off'! Ha! Take that can't intimidate my munchkin! I have no idea where she got that from...not me. I would have been all mumbling and red faced! I am so glad that I haven't passed that in to her! There first official post. Woohoo!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The beginning of a blog.....

I have wanted to start a blog for a while now. Even though I am what you would consider the world's best writer! I thought it would be nice to have somewhere to put my thoughts down...maybe a little therapeutic even. I am having performance anxiety! I figure the very first post should be a little about me. I can write all the specifics....a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and hopefully a good friend to a few (social anxiety keeps my social circle small and that's okay with me). I'm also obsessive, a tad controlling, overweight (ugh), a little insecure, overall a good person, very good at spelling, not so good at paragraphs and or identifying run-on sentences(try not to judge), and a little funny. I am hoping this blog will help me figure out what I am above all of those things me to remember who the person behind the wife, mother, etc. really is. So, here we go...hope I can stick to it! ;)